LEBENSMITTELCHEMIE – 8. vollständig überarbeitete Auflage des bewährten Lehrbuchs erschienen
Lebensmittelchemie – Reinhard Matissek, Werner Baltes – Oktober 2015, 8. Auflage, Springer-Spektrum, ISBN 978-3-662-47111-1, ISBN 978-3-662-47112-8 (eBook)Leben ist Chemie – Chemie ist Leben!
Lebensmittelchemie ist die Lehre von Aufbau, Zusammensetzung, Eigenschaften und Umwandlungen der Inhaltsstoffe von Lebensmitteln.
Kompetenz in Lebensmittelchemie erfordert heutzutage fundiertes Wissen über Aufbau, Zusammensetzung und Herstellung unserer Lebensmittel sowie über deren mögliche Veränderungen. Lebensmittelchemie ist dabei jedoch viel mehr als nur die Lehre von den Lebensmittelinhaltsstoffen. Sie schließt auch das Wissen über die Bildung und Biochemie dieser Stoffe, ihre Reaktionen untereinander, ihre technologischen Eigenschaften und ihren Stoffwechsel mit ein.
Das Lehrbuch basiert auf einem systematischen Gesamtkonzept mit klarer Gliederung und einer Sammlung relevanter Fakten. In der vollständig überarbeiteten achten Auflage bietet es eine prägnante Übersicht über das gesamte Gebiet der modernen Lebensmittelchemie mit neuen, hoch aktuellen Themen aus den Bereichen
• Lebensmittelsicherheit
• Lebensmittelqualität
• Ernährungswissen
• Lebensmittelherstellung
Dieses Buch richtet sich in erster Linie an Studierende der Lebensmittelchemie, der Lebensmitteltechnologie, der Ernährungswissenschaften und der Chemie. Aber auch Studierende anderer Life Sciences (wie Veterinärmedizin und Medizin) können von diesem Werk profitieren. Praktizierende in den Bereichen Lebensmittelsicherheit, Qualitätsmanagement, Forschung und Entwicklung vieler lebensmittelchemisch arbeitender Einrichtungen der Wirtschaft, Behörden und Hochschulen finden hiermit ein handliches Quick-Reading-Manual.
Reinhard Matissek
State-qualified food chemist and graduated food scientist, since 1991 Extraordinary Professor for Food Chemistry at the Institute for Food Chemistry and Food Technology at the Technical University of Berlin. Reinhard Matissek, born in 1952 in Bassum/Lower Saxony, having obtained a degree in Food Chemistry and Food Technology in Berlin, initially worked as a scientific employee at the then Bundesgesundheitsamt (Federal Health Office) (PhD in Food Analysis, 1980) and subsequently as a research associate at the technical university of Berlin. After working for a time as university assistant/assistant professor (PhD degree in Food Chemistry, 1986), he joined the Cologne-based Food Chemistry Institute (LCI) of the Association of the German Confectionery Industry (BDSI) in 1988 as its CEO and institute director.
Reinhard Matissek’s main fields of activity include the analysis of foods, particularly cocoa and chocolate, as well as food contact materials and articles and cosmetic products. The key aspects of his scientific research are focused on surfactants, biocides, contaminants, process contaminants, and phytochemicals. Reinhard Matissek is a member of many scientific and food industry executive bodies, including membership on the Senate Commission on Food Safety (SKLM, until 2010) of the German Research Foundation (DFG), as a member of the board of governors of the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging (IVV-FhG) in Freising, as the scientific director and deputy CEO of the Institute of Quality Promotion in the Confectionery Industry (IQ.Köln) in Cologne, as a member of the scientific committee of the Research Association of the German Food Industry (FEI/AiF) in Bonn, and as an executive board member of the German Cocoa and Chocolate Foundation (Stiftung der Deutschen Kakao- und Schokoladenwirtschaft) in Hamburg. Reinhard Matissek has made a name for himself through numerous publications and talks and has won several scientific awards. He is the senior author of the well-known textbook “Lebensmittelanalytik” (Food Analysis) and successor author of the current textbook “Lebens-mittelchemie” (Food Chemistry), both published by Springer. His special interests are books, travel, and gustatory delights.
Werner Baltes
State-qualified food chemist and graduated chemical engineer. Born in 1929 in Hamburg, deceased in 2013 in Berlin. Studies in Frankfurt-on-Main and Hamburg, PhD degree (Organic Chemistry, 1959) and qualification as a university lecturer (Food Chemistry, 1969) in Hamburg. From 1964 to 1942 scientific director of the State Chemical Laboratory (Staatliches Chemisches Untersuchungsamt) in Hamburg, from 1973 to 1997 full professor for Food Chemistry at the Technical University of Berlin.
Werner Baltes’ main fields of activity covered the analysis of foods and cosmetics using the cutting-edge methods of his day, such as remission spectrophotometry and Curie-point pyrolysis as well as Maillard-reaction examinations and work on the mechanics of thermic aroma formation with a key focus on the chemical investigation of unknown structures. He made a name for himself through numerous publications and talks and won several scientific awards. Starting in 1983, Werner BaItes produced the textbook “Lebensmittelchemie” (Food Chemistry) as its sole author over a span of six editions. For the seventh edition he obtained the cooperation of Prof. Dr. Reinhard Matissek, his former pupil, fellow employee, and colleague. Werner Baltes was sadly unable to work on the eighth edition owing to illness.